Terri Brown Britton

Welcome To Terri Brown-Britton's Website

Welcome to Terri Brown Britton's website, this website is dedicated to all the fans of Terri .This site would give you information and updates of Terri's latest news and also you'll find on this site info about Terri and her upcomming events.

Terri Featured On I Can Do Bad All By Myself Soundtrack
Terri was featured on Tyler Perry's Soundtrack, "I Can Do Bad All By Myself" along with Tamela Mann and Tyga Graham


Terri Brown Britton speaks about family, Hurrican Katrina and how it has affect her life, her recent passing of her father, and upcomming shows in her latest Journal Entry. Click on Journal Page Above

Please keep Terri and Family in your prayers during this time, with facing difficulties with Hurricane Katrina please donate money to help out with victims from Hurrican Katrina

Please keep Terri and Family in prayers she lost her father on June 8th, 2005  we know he's in a better place. Continue to pray for them all and encourage them

Terri is currently featured in the play "Will A Real Man Please Stand Up"

  Will a Real Man Please Stand Up a DwightB. Musical Drama

The musical drama brought to you by Music World Entertainment and Elite Entertainment, takes place on the cusps of Juneteenth Weekend, celebrating the emancipation of slaves in the Deep South. Capt.. Allen Richards is a selfish and irresponsible husband, struggling to keep his dark demons from destroying his family.

His wife, Dominique, is a hard working professional woman trying to hold to her vows of marriage and Christain living while wondering why the real man she married disappeared.Her silent cry to her husband as Juneteenth approaches, "Will A Real Man Please Stand Up," seems as if it will never be answered. Allen and Dominique are brought face to face with the pain brought into their marriage by Alien's unmanly actions. The couple is forced to confront their personal conflict, and to learn a language they have forgotten, one based on Christian principles. In the process, Alien, comes to grips with the person he had become and begins the long road toward personal redemption, toward becoming a real man again; one accountable for his actions, one who responds positively to love, God's love. Allen finally answers his wife's silent cry, and the real man in him finally stands up. This production also features the conflict in the marriage of the Browns as well as the healing of long felt wounds between two sisters..This production is laced with humor and dramatic appeal. It is a spiritually uplifting production that supports the virtues of marriage. It reminds its viewers that marriage is not about E.G.O (Easing God Out) but rather U.G.O. (Usher God In).

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